I always make it habit to learn from leaders at the top of their game and especially when they share some of the secrets that made them successful as leaders. Read on to discover the four key to take your leadership skills to the next level and why most leadership training fails.

Just last month, Australia’s Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Ray Griggs, gave a talk at the University of Queensland about leadership and new media scrutiny in which he discussed four key points to being an effective leader.

In discussing leadership, Griggs mentioned that militaries around the world are the most dependent of organisations on effective leadership with it a being a life and death issue for them to contend with and that is why militaries around the world spend so much time and effort in developing their leaders.

Griggs went to to say,  I  have  long  believed  that  anyone  who  will  stand  up  and  espouse  a  slick  formula  for leadership has never really led anyone in a difficult situation.  Leadership is a messy thing, intensely personal and intensely contextual. It centers on people and relationships, not structures and processes and it involves a deep and critical understanding of self.  How you project and how that projection is perceived is critical.  Without understanding these issues, your ability to lead effectively is considerably reduced.”

What Griggs is discussing comes down to four key points essential for any leader in business, military or the community to understand:

  • Having a deep and critical understanding of self is the first step in becoming a leader
  • Understanding people and relationships is far more important to leadership success than structures and processes
  • Knowing how to effectively project yourself as a leader and the impact you have on others is critical
  • There is no simple formula to use to be a successful leader

Over the next four weeks we will look at each of these points in a little more detail and look at what it takes to be more effective as leaders in our organisations.

To request a complimentary leadership consultation to identify your blocks to leadership or a leadership analysis of your organisation, contact us today.

For details on our next leadership training course, click here.

How does Rapport Leadership empower leaders?

For more than 30 years, Rapport Leadership has reinvented the way leadership is taught and empowered new leaders with the confidence, self-esteem, and focus necessary to improve their results and build high performance teams. Rapport’s intensive and on-site leadership training courses are experiential leadership classes designed to allow people to experience strong leadership, develop their inner leader and understand and practice their own unique leadership style giving them the resources, experience and confidence to go to the next level.

At Rapport we know that when we improve the person, the performance improves.  When we improve the performance, the family improves, the business improves and the community improves.


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