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Tackling Isolation in Lockdown

For many of us, here we still are….again. Just when we thought we were getting on top of things, Delta came along throwing businesses, plans and so much more into

Why Training is Essential for Your Frontline Leaders

It’s an age old conundrum, why bother investing in training for frontline staff at a time when employee loyalty seems to be at an all-time low? What if the employee

The importance of business planning

I don’t have the time”, “I’ll get to it soon”, “No because I need the flexibility to be able to change my plan if I need”, are all common excuses

7 Keys to Increase Staff Engagement

There is a great deal of published academic work on what drives engagement and likewise a range of opinions on what the key drivers or enablers of employee engagement are.

Effective Leadership in Times of Crisis

Much has been said over the last couple of months about the need for better leadership in times of crisis.  I would like to share some thoughts and strategies with

How behavioural profiling improves individual and team performance

One thing is for sure, there’s little chance of escaping behavioural profiling these days, but what is it and how can it improve performance in your workplace? Behavioural profiling is

Your Guide to Developing Business Relationships & Partnerships to Help Your Business Grow

One of my favourite sayings in business and in life is, “If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, bring your team.” Success in

Micromanaging – how good intentions create frustration and inefficiency in the workplace

There’s no doubt, if it’s ever happened to you, you know that being micromanaged is frustrating.   Although well-intentioned, micromanagers often mistake their ‘over-involvement’ and directions as a leadership strength and

Why a star team will always outperform a team of stars

I’ve got to admit, it’s kind of tempting the idea that if you were to assemble a team of the best individuals in your organisation that it will become a

How business coaching works, and how to choose a quality coach

If you’re like many business owners, a time comes when you realise something needs to change if your business potential is to be reached.  But have you ever considered that


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For more than 30 years, Rapport Leadership has reinvented the way leadership is taught and empowered new leaders with the confidence, self-esteem, and focus necessary to improve their results and build high performance teams. Thousands of organisations, educational institutions and parents turn to us to develop new leaders.