Leadership Breakthrough One was a fantastic experience. I have been involved in teams my entire life. I have never ever, ever experienced team in the way I have over the last three days. It has been absolutely extraordinary. I have seen facilitators all over the world and the Rapport facilitators are amongst the best I have ever seen. For any manager or person who might call themselves a leader, this is a solid program that challenges your identity and pushes your best to be better. Well done. Sam Cawthorn, CEO, Institute for Professional Speakers

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    Over my career I’ve been involved in many, many courses. Rarely have I walked away from a course with such a feeling of completion bodily inside me. I’ve had a passionately wonderful time. I met a bunch of passionately wonderfully people and I would do the whole lot again given the opportunity. Schon Condon KCSJ RFD, FCA, FCPA, Managing Principal, Condon & Associates

    Leadership Breakthrough One is the first leadership course I have attended. If I had been told on the first evening I arrived that I would leave the course having broken through fears and roadblocks that have been with me all my adult life I would have laughed! Thank you for giving me such a wonderful gift. I know I kept refusing it because I was scared but you kept at me – tha nk goodness!! The course is so much more than a leadership course and I keep running across people who should do it and I keep telling them about this amazing experience. I have never felt so empowered and confident about moving life and work forward. I know there will be bumps in the road but that is fine – they are what they are. Thank-you again Dianne Gates, Director, Gunpos